saw lots of magnolia trees about to be done with blooming.
saw a hot air ballon rise above the plains.
saw wisterias in bloom.
saw a teenage girl and boy sitting on a curb having a supremely awkward looking conversation.
saw two cleaning men scrubbing the louis vuitton sign on kö.
saw mom riding a bucket bike with two kids in the front bucket and an infant strapped to her chest.
saw a good looking guy wearing a kippa rushing from a jewish center on brunnenstrasse, smiling.
saw workers unloading bright pink insulation material at a building site.
saw a guy planting tomatos in front of a house while a woman holding a tiny newborn looked on.
saw a guy dust pollen off of his blue mazda convertible at a scenic lookout.
saw a bunch of not very fit looking middle aged cyclists who hollered at me. meh.
saw a hippie guy running in regular shoes while wearing what looked like a foldable beekeepers hat.
saw a bunch of longboarders having fun on a great hairpin curve.
saw some people having a lovely looking garden party.
saw the folks at the local boule club springclean their clubgrounds.
saw a local folk dance group dance in front of schwabentor.
saw a man teach his tiny daughter how to ride her tiny pink bike.
saw a bunch of dads jump on a trampoline with their kids in a garden.
saw a guy study from some copied papers on a bench at one of the scenic lookouts.
saw a dad push his kid in a stroller right through a flower filled field so that she could pick some.
saw two girls on a walk with a stroller and a dog - twice.
saw two guys sitting in the middle of the river on monoblock chairs, smoking a hookah.
saw two identically vamped up, bright orange cars.
saw lots of roses in bloom.
saw my former work instructor pass me by on his bike, waving.
saw a dude skating with poles.
saw our neighbour k. and chatted with her briefly.
saw a duck with 8 ducklings, awwww!
saw workers working on a huge extension on a house at the beginning of my route.
saw a hot air balloon ascend in the west of the city.
saw a black cat crossing my path from the right, turned a corner, and saw another black cat crossing my path.
saw some guys moving into one of the nice houses up on rötebuckweg.
saw a supercute hedgehog crossing my path. awwww!
saw a neighbour and her irish wolfshound, who gave me a friendly sniff with his nose as i passed him.
saw a kitschy piece of street art by local artist fubak with a pic of earth from space: 'do you see any borders?'
saw a guy in formal wear on a bike - with a double bass in a bike trailer.
saw a bunch of kids play basketball - doubtlessly working on being the next dirk nowitzki.
saw a guy and his kid share fresh bread rolls straight out of the bakery paper bag.
saw two university postmen heading out for their shift on bikes.
saw a chalk flower painted on the sidewalk.
saw a beautiful truck with art by daniele buetti on the side - extreme close ups of tattoos reading 'tomorrow' and 'forever'. wish i had taken a photo!
saw a guy carrying a huge paragliding backpack.
saw a ginger-haired-guy walking his very ginger-furred-dog.
saw an overweight guy in an ikea shirt finish the 5k in 35+ minutes - to the loud cheers of the entire crowd.
saw a bunch of guys hanging out in front of the bakery. at 6:30am. wtf?
saw a man wearing bright blue crocs vacuum the trunk of his car.
saw a super lovely double rainbow which i take as a good sign for the race.
[fast 500k gelaufen, in freiburg, berlin und düsseldorf. gelernt, wie man temporuns macht. gelernt, wie man intervall-läufe macht. gelernt, wie man steigerungsläufe macht. ein neues gefühl für die stadt und ihre entfernungen bekommen. dauernd die gleichen menschen gesehen, morgens um 6, 7, 8 uhr. gekauft: zwei itunes mixes, einen foam roller, ein paar laufschuhe, kompressionsstrümpfe, vier shirts, ein paar shorts, einen fuel belt, haufenweise dextro energen liquid gels zitrone + coffein. nur ein winzigkleines bisschen verletzt, an der wade. liebste laufzeit: 6am. liebste strecke: quer durch die stadt. liebster laufsong: 'encore un fois' von sash!, 'born slippy' von underworld und 'art ist hard' von cursive. morgen der 10k für den das alles war. ach, nee, falsch: das war ja alles für mich, nur für mich, und dieses ziel habe ich ja schon mal erreicht. so excited.]